I wanted to sit down and write a blog about how to develop a skincare routine, but everyone is so different that I wasn't sure where to start. That's when I thought, What if I just start with my routine? If you're curious what I do for my own skin as someone who makes skincare products, keep reading.
First of all, I want to share that I don't always stick to my routine perfectly. Sometimes I fall off. Don't plan to always be perfect.
I always start by washing my face with a cleanser. I actually don't normally use one of the specific cleansers I sell. Instead, I make a completely new cleanser out of (kind of random) ingredients in my shelf that I grab. Then when I run out, I make something different again. I like to change it up and not always use the same cleanser forever. That's why I also will use a different cleanser in the morning than I use in the evening. My go-to ingredients to use, along with castille soap, are jojoba oil, argan oil, and evening primrose oil. But from the cleansers I sell, my favorite has got to be my Skin Clearing Cleanser.
I don't do this step every day. And, honestly, this is the one I don't do as much as I'd like to. I don’t know what it is but this is the step I get lazy about. Scrubbing or exfoliating is important for removing dead skin cells that can cause acne. This is a step that is definitely going to be different for everyone. Some people have more sensitive skin than others, and those people are probably going to want to scrub less and/or use more gentle scrubs. My most sensitive skin-friendly scrub is the Coconut Scrub. It’s made with coconut flakes for a gentle exfoliation. Other ways to exfoliate are by using an exfoliating face mask. My Hibiscus Face Mask is perfect for this. My skin always feel so smooth and soft after using it.
Toning helps balance the skin’s pH level. This is an important step for anyone with combination or patchy skin. So if you tend to get areas that are oily and other areas that are dry, don’t skip this step! My Peppermint Toner is my favorite for helping my skin stay balanced and even.
This is one of the most important steps! If you have to keep your steps to a minimum, make sure you include moisturizing. My Moisturizer for Dry Skin is my favorite for keeping my skin smooth and hydrated.
That's the basic formula I stick to. If there's something in particular I need to focus on, like a pimple, breakout, or scar, then I will use the appropriate treatment cream or serum. For example, if I can tell a pimple is coming in, I'll use my Acne Spot Serum or Acne Spot Cream to stop or heal it.
It’s important to figure out what works for you. So feel free to experiment! Also be sure to work on a routine that’s conducive to your life. You want to go for something you know you’ll stick to.
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